Terms and Conditions

Trip Contract

Your contract is with Samual Tours & Travel (“Samual Tours”, “We” or “Us”). The terms and conditions provided herein cover all brochures, trips and bookings made with us. Please take the time to read and understand these terms and conditions. The purchase of any travel service offered by Unscripted constitutes a contractual arrangement between you and each person identified within your safari trip booking (“You” or “Your”) and Unscripted. There shall be a binding contract for Your safari trip once we have received the deposit set forth in the Payment Options.

Payment Options

Once we have agreed upon the specific safari trip and price (the “Safari”), we require You to give us a firm commitment to proceed with Your reservations. After we have confirmed all accommodations in the lodges/camps mentioned, We do require a 50% deposit (100% if within 60 days of Safari) to hold the booking/rooms. The balance (50%) shall be paid 60 days prior to the Safari date. Your deposit and final payment, plus any associated bank fees, can be made to our associate Follow A Leader LLC who will transmit the fees to the safari company. Instructions for payment will be provided once your firm commitment is received and we confirm we have space for you on your desired safari. If You find it more convenient and wish to avoid multiple wire transfer fees, payment can be made in full upon reservation confirmation.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

We understand how disappointing it is for travelers in the event they are forced to cancel such an exciting adventure, especially one that has been anticipated for a long time. But We too plan for these excursions for a long period prior to departure, and are required to continually send nonrefundable payments to secure hotels and contracts for suppliers of transportation. Therefore, We must adhere strictly to our Cancellation & Refund Policy for all travelers – we hope You understand – and strongly urge You to purchase travel insurance (see below) in the event You need to cancel. If Your plans change and You find you must cancel Your booking, You must inform Unscripted of Your decision in writing. The date of cancellation will be the date We receive written notice, whereby the following conditions and cancellation fees and policies will apply: • For cancellation 60 days or more before the commencement of Your Safari, a cancellation fee of 50% of the total cost of the Safari shall apply to You. • Cancellation within 59 days of departure requires You to forfeit 100% of the Safari cost. • If you cut short the Safari– thereby reducing Your length of stay -- no refund is given. Unscripted Safaris shall not be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in Your Safari and our obligations hereunder arising out of or caused, directly or indirectly, by forces beyond our control (“Force Majeure Event”), including without limitation, strikes, work stoppages, accidents, acts of war or terrorism, civil or military disturbances, acts of God, epidemic, restraints or delays affecting carriers or inability or delay in obtaining supplies of adequate or suitable materials. It is understood that Unscripted shall use reasonable efforts to resume performance as soon as practicable under the circumstances. In the event Unscripted is unable to provide, in whole or in part, the Safari as a result of a Force Majeure Event, either You or Unscripted may terminate the Safari contract upon ten days written notice. Upon termination for a Force Majeure Event, Unscripted shall attempt to refund the amount paid by You, less any amounts paid or required to be paid by Unscripted and any non-refundable fees and charges.

Travel Insurance

It is solely Your responsibility -- and Samual Tours & Travel strongly recommends ---that you do purchase sufficient comprehensive travel insurance from a reliable agent. Travel industry professionals have given good references to Allianz Global Assistance. https://www.allianztravelinsurance.com/get-quote This is but one insurer in the marketplace, others are available. Please be assured that despite the slightly additional cost, it will be well worth Your investment. We must send Your payment to suppliers far in advance of our departure dates, so We cannot offer refunds beyond those described in our Cancellation and Refund Policy. Should You fail to obtain comprehensive travel insurance in a timely manner, any and all costs arising from the possible need to cancel, re- route or follow different travel arrangements, including an emergency medical procedure, will be at Your own cost and ESA shall be held harmless for any costs, expenses, harm, loss or damages that You or Your heirs or assigns may suffer as a result.

Waiver, Indemnity and Hold Harmless

It is ESA’s goal to select reliable suppliers and contractors to provide transportation, hotels, guides and other travel-related services. We act as agents between You and these service providers to secure the best booking for our travelers; however, We and our Travel Associates do not assume responsibility, directly or indirectly, for any defects, changes or cancellations in the bookings or trips. Furthermore, Unscripted Safaris shall not be liable for delays, losses, costs, expenses, damages or injury to persons or property, of any kind or nature (“Damages”) sustained by You on account of any act or omission of any third party, including third party service providers hired or booked by Unscripted Safaris. ESA shall be indemnified and held harmless by You for any Damages whatsoever that may arise or have arisen in connection with any services supplied or offered by or in connection with the Safari, except those Damages strictly arising from the gross negligence of ESA. Any claim or claims which You, Your agent, executor, heirs or assigns may have for Damages from Unscripted Safaris resulting from injury or any loss occasioned whatsoever, are hereby irrevocably waived and this includes any transportation to or during the trip as well as any illness, injury or death arising during or after the Safari. Unscripted Safaris does work with US and Kenyan associates, including but not limited to Follow A Leader, LLC, proprietor Amy Leader, (“Travel Associates”), to coordinate the booking and travel associated with your Safari. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Travel Associates from any and all Damages and waive any and all claims against such parties. Any claims or issues directly or indirectly related to the Safari or Travel Associate’s booking and coordination thereof shall be directed to Unscripted Safaris and resolved under the terms and conditions of Your contract with Unscripted Safaris. ESA shall not be responsible where You do not enjoy your Safari or suffer problems due to undisclosed or unavoidable problems or issues that arise during the Safari.


You will need a visa to visit Kenya; and although they are available at Jomo Kenya International Airport in Nairobi for $50 US cash (as of August 1, 2018), lines for onsite processing can be long and could delay our group’s departure time for safari. Alternatively, We suggest obtaining the Single Entry E-visa online through the Kenyan Embassy website at http://evisa.go.ke/evisa.html. To make application, have available: 1) a credit card for the $51 fee -- please call Your credit card company in advance to notify them of a foreign transaction; 2) Your flight information; 3) a scan of Your passport facepage; 4) Your safari itinerary in PDF format ; and 5) a 2x2 inch passport photo scanned and uploaded. Please note that the timing of Your application is important! E-visa processing can take a week or more, but once approved is only valid for 90 days. So please DO NOT make application until three weeks to one month prior to our date of departure. We will cue you for the appropriate timing for application. Other countries Unscripted Safaris includes in its itineraries may require additional visas; document requirements and procedures for obtaining those will be provided as needed.


You will be required to have a valid Yellow Fever inoculation certificate to gain access to the country, and may be asked for this proof going through Kenyan Immigration. It’s good advice to also begin anti-malarial drugs prior to departure, and continue during and after Your visit to East Africa. Please rely on the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) website for guidance on other preventative shots and all health related travel questions and concerns, in collaboration with Your primary care provider and/or travel clinic professionals. Travel to other African countries may necessitate further research by You on the CDC Website, for any additional required/suggested preventative care.

Tipping and Accepted Currency

Your Samual Tours & Travel staff are compensated; however, they will gratefully accept gratuities at a level you determine fair, depending on how well they meet -- or as we hope exceed Your expectations! As a courtesy for travelers on certain safaris, we have taken the extra step of pre-determining the appropriate tips for all safari, lodge and program service staff, and we have already included that total amount in Your Unscripted Safaris safari fee. This will free our travelers from having to calculate appropriate tips and secure different denominations of local currency along the way. Please check your specific safari itinerary under the What’s Included banner to see if your tips on service are included or not, and rest assured that if they are--we have followed the standard tipping guidelines suggested below in our calculations. If you feel that you want to give more generously, you are most welcomed to do so! We follow the standard gratuity guidelines; and if your tips are not included in your safari fees, suggest that you do so as well: for your ESA safari organizers, tip $10–$12 US per day/per traveler, e.g. $100-$120 for a 10 day tour, which converts to 1000-1200 Kenyan shillings per day/per traveler.) The tour may contract with one or more additional drivers who customarily receive $7-$10 US per day/per traveler or $70-$100/per day/per traveler. If you want to bring US dollars for the larger tips, we suggest getting “blue “ US dollars or US bills no older than 2010 and in denominations of twenty dollar bills or larger. Smaller, older, ripped or marked up US Bills offer no value on the Kenyan Money Exchanges, and cannot be accepted. You may also use an ATM machine in Kenya and tip in Kenyan shillings. We usually tip our tour organizers and drivers at the conclusion of the trip, as we are saying our goodbyes. For staff at the lodges and hotels, including baggage porters and room stewards, tipping the equivalent of $1-$3 US per service or per day is appropriate -- but please ONLY tip these smaller amounts in Kenyan shillings. As noted above, small US denominations (anything under a $20 US bill) are of little to no value at the Kenyan Money Exchanges. As for dining staff, ESA will identify one lead waiter/waitress per lodge to manage and organize service for our entire safari group’s tables so travelers can tip these lead staff members, who in turn will take care of the many service staff. Customarily, we tip the equivalent of $5 US (or more) per stay/per traveler in each lodge, in Kenyan shillings.


The power supply is 240v and the socket plugs and sockets are the UK square pin type and will be needed to charge cell phones and pads, e-readers, camera battery chargers

Safari Packing List

• As a precautionary measure, You are advised to pack 2-3 days’ worth of essentials in Your carry-on luggage to cover You if your bags are delayed for any reason. Of critical importance, obviously, are: Your passport, copy of Your E-visa, yellow fever certificate, Your plane ticket, credit card/ATM card. • It is a good idea to carry some spending money, in addition to the US blue money for tipping your tour professionals. But it is difficult to recommend specific amounts, since everyone has different spending habits. Some travelers carry @$100-$200 then access Kenyan shillings from local ATM machines. Payments for non-included expenditures at hotels, such as liters of water, alcoholic beverages or souvenirs can be made with a US credit card—VISA is the preferred credit card in Kenya; Mastercard may be accepted, but may not be at all locations. • For safety reasons, we suggest You bring with you money belts for safe keeping of Your cash during the safari, since You will want to keep Your money and important travel documents with You at all times. • A small to medium sized backpack works nicely as a carry-on which will then fit any sizable valuables You want to carry with You when you are outside of Your room, i.e. Your camera, cell phone, pad/e-reader. Items to pack include: i. One Rolling Duffel bag and One Carry-on bag per traveler. Sorry, no suitcases or additional luggage due to the trunk size and capacity of the safari vehicle. ii. Clothing/Shoes/Weather Gear • Bring several safari slacks/shorts/capris -- zip-off safari pants are optimal. Sufficient number of long and short sleeve cotton shirts and tank tops, for layering. One or two long pants/sleeves options and socks with a light jacket are important for those early game drives and to offer protection from mosquitos. No animal prints or embellished/bedazzled/brightly colored tops or jackets will be allowed in the parks during game drives -- so for the first week it may be easier to pack traditional safari colored clothing: khaki green and tan, brown, cream or gray. Please avoid black or navy as mosquitoes are attracted to darker hues. Once in Nairobi, regular street clothes will be fine with maybe even a sundress/skirt with a light sweater for dinner • Packable hat and sun glasses/unscented sunscreen/swimsuit optional • Shower shoes/sandals/comfortable walking shoes -- ventilation is a plus -- three total pairs works for most travelers/ socks for warmth and compression socks for air travel • One light jacket, fleece or hoody. Packable poncho in case of inclement weather. • Travel alarm clock/cell phone iii. Toiletries & Medical Supplies • Toothpaste/Toothbrush. Unscented soap/body lotion • Shampoo/conditioner/brush/comb. Please no US voltage hairdryers -- most lodges supply one. • Unscented insect repellant—DEET recommended • Malaria medication/other prescriptions/Pepto Bismol can be used daily before and during the trip to prevent gastro tract distress/prescription meds in case of traveler’s diarrhea/pain killers/medicine kit iv. Photo Equipment • Camera with zip-lock bags, electrical transformers/plug adaptors for camera recharger • Sufficient memory cards and at least two camera batteries • Binoculars v. Personal spending money and/or VISA credit card for drinks, tips and souvenirs purchases and an ATM card to obtain Kenyan shillings. Also important paperwork: passport -- original and extra copy, Kenyan Visa, proof of Yellow Fever inoculation. vi. We recommend that You pack simple and lightly due to overseas weight restrictions on baggage and also because You will probably want extra room in your bag to bring home gifts and other items purchased while on safari. One packing strategy to free-up this space, is bring a selection of clothes/shoes/toiletries that You would feel comfortable leaving behind, which Unscripted Safaris then collects and distributes to very appreciative local families. It’s a win/win for them and You!

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